April 04, 2006

CASE OHIO Calls for Volunteers

Citizens Alliance for Secure Elections (CASE Ohio) is currently seeking volunteers to participate in our "Adopt a County Board of Elections" program. The program is designed to provide oversight and input into BOE decisions in the individual counties. Participants will be given specific tasks.
CASE believes that the 2006 election will be fraught with problems due to the new equipment.

Election Integrity News - March 20, 2006

This Week's Quote: "Some of you are going to hate my guts on Election Day," Diebold Sales Representative Dana LaTour to Utah election officials. When asked what she meant, another Diebold Representative explained "We're going to have problems on Election Day, and we're just going to have to work through them".


CASE will provide direction, including template letters and templates for verbal communication, at regular intervals preceding the election. CASE experts will serve as a resource to answer your questions. We will communicate with BOE’s on a regular basis, with limited requests. We will address the following issues over time along with other issues that may arise.

Contact BOE personnel in order to establish positive communication and a productive personal relationship.
Request specific procedural documents in writing or verbally.
Compare your adopted county security procedures with other counties.
Participate as a poll monitor in a precinct in your county if possible and work with other poll monitors in your county.
Lobby BOE's to use strict physical security standards based on best practices in the State, and we will monitor to see that these procedures are followed on Election Day.
Lobby BOE's to voluntarily compare the results to the Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) in a statistically random manner.
Lobby BOE's to review the internal transaction audit log, and make the data public post election.
Monitor the rules for accepting/rejecting paper ballots. (provisional, absentee)
Make every effort to capture precinct level election results, before the results are consolidated via central tabulator.
Keep BOE’s informed as to current news events regarding electronic security.

Participants may choose one county only (county of residence) or can choose multiple counties. CASE is able to send group emails to each BOE, but we believe this is a poor substitute for a personal relationship, personal follow up, and a thorough understanding of our concerns. We hope to build a network of activists with "with boots on the ground" during the 2006 congressional elections and on into the future.

Please respond to Pete Johnson at pjohnso6@insight.rr.com if you are interested in participating.

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